Sunday, December 23, 2018


Crowne Plaza, Ortigas, Pasig City - In the recent years, ultrasound has become an important techological advancement for vascular surgeons.  Different fields of medicine have maximized its use in diagnosing and treating medical conditions.  

Philippine Society for Ultrasound in Clinical Medicine, Inc (PSUCMI) initiated this year’s SOUND PACT, a pledge for quality and ethical use of ultrasound.  The Philippine Society for Vascular and Endovascular Surgeons became one of the societies who vowed to continue the use of ultrasound to provide improved, efficient and effective management of patients.  It was held hast March 10, 2018 at the Crowne Plaza as part of PSUCMI’s  16th Annual Convention entitled “POCUS:  Point of Care in Ultrasound , The Changing Landscape of Ultrasound Practice

Dr. Joy M. Gali and other signatories of SOUNDPACT
The other co -signatories of SOUND PACT were Child Neurology Society of the Philippines, Fetus as a Patient Institute, Phils.  Ultrasound Society of the Philippines, Philippine Society of Ultrasound in OB-Gynecology, Philippine Academy of Rehabilitation Medicine, Philippine Physical Therapy Association Pediatric & Adolescent Gynecology Society, Phils., Philippine Society of Echocardiography, Philippine Society of Pediatric Cardiology, Philippine Society of Ultrasound in Surgery, Philippine Society for Vascular Medicine, Philippine Urological Association, Philippine , PNA-Neurosonology Group, Phil. Society of Clinical Musculoskeletal Ultrasonology, Philippine Society of Radiological Technicians, Philippine Society of Anesthesiologists

Philippine Society for Ultrasound in Clinical Medicine, Inc (PSUCMI), an affiliate society of Philippine Medical Association, invited Dr. Ricardo Jose DT Quintos II to educate its members aortic, visceral aneurysm and the use of ultrasound in its diagnosis.  He walked its audience through on the know-hows of performing ultrasound and interpreting the abdominal images of aortic, iliac and visceral aneurysm.  The attendees are doctors and allied health care providers who use ultrasonography in their practice. 

Dr. Ricardo Jose T. Quintos giving lecture about Aneurysms
This year’s theme was point of care ultrasound or POCUS.  It is the practice of use of ultrasound by trained medical professionals in diagnosing patients bedside, whether they are in an emergency room of a tertiary hospital, or remote, far—flung areas of the country.  By maximizing ultrasonography, accurate diagnosis is delivered efficiently and effectively.  

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