Saturday, December 22, 2018


Dr. Quintos with our colleagues from Vietnam
Quezon City - Continuous medical education to improve and upgrade the knowledge of vascular surgeons is one of the advocacies of the Society.  In collaboration with our industry partner, Medtronic Philippines and the National Kidney and Transplant Institute, a peripheral workshop with live case observership took place at the said hospital last May 23, 2018.

Participants of the activity came from doctors from Vietnam and Peripheral Vascular surgeons from the Philippines.  The day started with a lecture in the role of drug coated balloons in the management of failing vascular access.  It was delivered by Dr. Joy M. Gali.  She discussed the physiology of the endothelium and how endothelium dysfunction plays a role in atherosclerosis progression.  She later discussed how using the drug coated balloons improve the outcomes of venoplasty of stenosed vascular access.
Management of Central Venous Stenosis
The lecture was followed by observership of the participants in two live cases.  With Dr. Ricardo Jose DT Quintos II who served as the preceptor, he walked through all the participants as a group of NKTI Endovascular Surgery Team perfomed three (3) cases in patients with failing vascular access.  The first two (2) cases presented with pre - anastomotic to anastomotic stenotic lesions and outflow tract stenosis.  The last case was on a patient who presented with venous hypertension of upper extremity and face secondary to central venous stenosis.

The activity became a venue for exchange of management of failing fistulas.  Differences and commonalities in the management of cases from two (2) different countries with different health care delivery systems were discussed.  The activity had forged strong ties between the Filipino surgeons and their Vietnamese counter parts, with the common goal of improving outcomes in the management of hemodialysis vascular access.

The activity was powered by Medtronic Philippines.

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