Greetings, colleagues and friends.
As the closing months of the maiden year of our fledgling society’s existence
approach, we review what had transpired and what we have accomplished in that
short period, and there can be no denying the metamorphic impact we have
pummeled upon the landscape, which continues to ripple outward in ever-growing
circles to significantly influence the way vascular management is approached by
practitioners and applied to patients.
We have busied ourselves with a record breaking 28 major activities in the past
11 months, that’s more than two per month. We have reached varied target audiences—our
colleagues in the discipline, in surgery, and in the nonsurgical specialties
such as Nephrology, Endocrinology, Cardiology and Primary Care; our partners in
patient care such as the vascular and hemodialysis nurses as well as with the
vascular technicians; our budding trainees and fellows; and finally to our patients and the public at
Bringing Vascular and Endovascular innovations to our members and trainees,
making them known to our colleagues, and applying these new approaches and technologies
to our patients—these cause disruptions in the existing structure, and
inevitably some resistance to change will be felt, particularly from those who
many may believe have become too comfortable with the status quo, and are
either unable or unwilling to embrace change for the better. I would like to
think that this resistance is not so much an inability or unwillingness but
rather an unreadiness, since I believe this change is inexorable and will come
whether one likes it or not, and they mayhap have been caught unawares by the
rapidity of its onslaught brought by our enthusiasm. I pray and look forward to
the time when, sooner than later, we all look together at the horizon through
the same spyglass, and work together in synergy toward the same objective:
bringing effective and affordable vascular solutions to our vascular patients.
The real enemy is the looming vascular disease epidemic that has heretofore
been under-addressed due to lack of best equipped and suited personnel,
inavailability of the technology, and the inability of the patient to shoulder
the costs of vascular treatment.
We are pleased with what we have accomplished so far, and we are challenged by
what lies ahead. We shall continue to soldier on and face these challenges squarely,
fueled by the dream of a united front against a common enemy. We shall continue
to be undeterred by the obstacles of uncertainty, timidity and apathy, and rise
above petty politics and parochialism; rather our thoughts and actions shall
always be guided by moral and ethical professionalism, collegiality, and
genuine unselfish concern for the welfare of our patients.
Onward, my friends and colleagues! Mabuhay kayo!